Aye, on peut faire du camping a Chongming... Mais pas les etrangers (Je sais, terrible deception).
En fait, ce n est pas qu ils ne veulent pas d etrangers (Enfin, on peut se poser des questions des fois) mais leur "mouchard" n est pas operationel, donc ne pas enregistrer les etrangers comme pour un hotel. (Les passeports, controle sur Wifi... ... ...)
Donc pas de camping a Chongming, en tout cas pas maintenant. Revoyez vos plans sorties du week end
L info:
FOREIGNERS cannot camp in Dongping National Forest Park on Chongming Island, the authorities have admitted.
Chongming County said it operates a “Chinese only” policy for campers in the 3.55-square-kilometer park because the park does not have the technology to register foreigners staying there with police, a requirement under Chinese law.
This comes after a British man wrote a post on the Shanghai Expat website forum this week complaining that he had been prevented from pitching his tent in the park because he was foreign.
La suite:
En fait, ce n est pas qu ils ne veulent pas d etrangers (Enfin, on peut se poser des questions des fois) mais leur "mouchard" n est pas operationel, donc ne pas enregistrer les etrangers comme pour un hotel. (Les passeports, controle sur Wifi... ... ...)
Donc pas de camping a Chongming, en tout cas pas maintenant. Revoyez vos plans sorties du week end

L info:
FOREIGNERS cannot camp in Dongping National Forest Park on Chongming Island, the authorities have admitted.
Chongming County said it operates a “Chinese only” policy for campers in the 3.55-square-kilometer park because the park does not have the technology to register foreigners staying there with police, a requirement under Chinese law.
This comes after a British man wrote a post on the Shanghai Expat website forum this week complaining that he had been prevented from pitching his tent in the park because he was foreign.
La suite: