C'est toi qui a filme ca? Les couleurs sont tops.
Filmer ca avec le nouveau systeme FPV, ca doit etre un regal.
Filmer ca avec le nouveau systeme FPV, ca doit etre un regal.
C'est toi qui a filme ca? Les couleurs sont tops.
Filmer ca avec le nouveau systeme FPV, ca doit etre un regal.
tu utilises des nd filters?
Apapremment DJI a également arrêté de vendre des drones à Hong Kong.
Tous les modèles sont listés comme "out of stock" sur le site web, et personne à la boutique de Causeway Bay n'a pu me dire pourquoi.
Peut-être un rapport avec cette nouvelle :Apapremment DJI a également arrêté de vendre des drones à Hong Kong.
Tous les modèles sont listés comme "out of stock" sur le site web, et personne à la boutique de Causeway Bay n'a pu me dire pourquoi.
Source https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong...ice-raid-mong-kok-raises-threat-bomb-throwingPolice raid in Mong Kok raises threat of bomb-throwing drones planned for use in protests, as Hong Kong violence escalates
Drones and corrosive solution were seized on Tuesday during a police raid on a Mong Kok flat, in what investigators suspected were airborne weapons planned for
- Police found drones and throwing mechanisms, suspected sulphuric acid, protective gear and raw materials to make petrol bombs in flat
- Two people arrested in raid, one a 17-year-old student
use against officers in the ongoing protests
The seized items included three drones, three throwing mechanisms that could be installed on the drones, six petrol bombs and a large quantity of raw materials to make more, suspected sulphuric acid and protective gear, according to police.
The raw materials included petrol, thinner and glass bottles.
The police source said the drones, throwers and suspected sulphuric acid could be used to make airborne weapons. The discovery came two days after a home-made explosive was remotely detonated on Sunday by radical protesters, aimed at hurting police.