Boycott the Olympics? Cancel the Saudis? How Woke Can Biden Really Get ? By Kevin Baron Executive Editor
People wear protective masks as they walk front the logos of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics at Yanqing Ice Festivalon February 26, 2021 in Beijing, China. Lintao Zhang/Getty Images
March 3, 2021
Classic international relations realism and wokeness are two different things.
Extrait : In the first few weeks of the administration, cancel-culture warriors on the left and right are coming hard at the White House on several key foreign policy fronts. Sizable portions of the electorate are pushing for ground-shifting changes in U.S. foreign policy, wanting it to evolve into something different, less tolerant of dictators and their games, more willing to stand up to them on principle, but with less violence, so as to break decades-old cycles of conflict. It’s a brewing culture clash, laced with hardball politics, to which Western security leaders should give serious attention.Take the Olympics. It’s been four decades since the Western world boycotted the Moscow Summer Games over the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan, and a dozen since America sent its team to the Beijing Olympics hoping to influence China’s leaders for the better. Now some politicians and human rights leaders are reconsidering Team USA’s attendance at next year’s Winter Games, hosted by the ever-more-repressive Xi Jinping.
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Boycott the Olympics? Cancel the Saudis? How Woke Can Biden Really Get?
Classic international relations realism and wokeness are two different things.
Quelles positions et decisions du president Biden ainsi que de son gouvernement et de l'executif seront adoptees a ce sujet , un avenir proche nous le dira !
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Nb: * Je ne suis evidemment pas d'accord sur la situation au Xinjiang basee sur des analyses biaisees et psychedeliques de monsieur Zenz ! Monsieur Baron fait avec les informations dont-il dispose ...
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