Bonjour tout le monde,
La raison pour laquelle je veux maîtriser cette belle langue est très simple : Je l'aime.
I have lived in Paris and Quebec before, so I am already quite fluent with basic conversations. Unfortunately since I moved back to China I am starting to lose it, that’s why I’d like to find someone to practice my French with. I am doing a self-taught French course, so you don’t need to be a professional teacher or native speaker -- as long as you are a good talker in French! It would be great if we can meet once a week after work for an hour or two (My office is on Huaihai Zhong Lu, near Fuxing Xi Lu). In return I would be more than happy to give you Chinese (or English) lessons for free (I used to work as a language teacher, so it’s a guaranteed good deal for you!
For those interested in demographics, I am 25, female, speak Mandarin/English/un peu de Francais/un poquito de Espanol…
Please email to if you are interested and are also serious about learning Chinese. Feel free to pass on this message to your friends too.
Xie Xie! Merci! Gracias! Danke!
La raison pour laquelle je veux maîtriser cette belle langue est très simple : Je l'aime.
I have lived in Paris and Quebec before, so I am already quite fluent with basic conversations. Unfortunately since I moved back to China I am starting to lose it, that’s why I’d like to find someone to practice my French with. I am doing a self-taught French course, so you don’t need to be a professional teacher or native speaker -- as long as you are a good talker in French! It would be great if we can meet once a week after work for an hour or two (My office is on Huaihai Zhong Lu, near Fuxing Xi Lu). In return I would be more than happy to give you Chinese (or English) lessons for free (I used to work as a language teacher, so it’s a guaranteed good deal for you!

Please email to if you are interested and are also serious about learning Chinese. Feel free to pass on this message to your friends too.
Xie Xie! Merci! Gracias! Danke!

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