La Chine annonce la fin des prélèvements d'organes sur les condamnés à mort

Donc la Justice s'abaisse au rang de l'assassin.
Elle ne s abaisse nullement Manda. Elle juge de manière loyale, honnête et juste (Ce qui n est pas le cas d ou mon opposition a une peine aussi lourde).
On peut jouer sur les mots aussi longtemps qu on veut et même se faire justice soi même, ce qui risque de plus en plus arriver du reste... Et la, on se sera réellement dans la merde et serons tous des assassins.
Si je veux faire bas... Pour toi, un mec comme Dutrou a sa place en prison. Tranquille. Au chaud. Super protege a chaque fois qu il va pisser ou au tribunal.... Question de point de vue.
Pas du tout Tonton, je me fous d avoir tort, raison,je ne vois pas le rapport, c est tout. Qui plus est vous vous dites contre la peine de mort (Tout comme moi dans l état de justice actuelle, notre différent) et vouloir voter Lepen (Pas comme moi) qui compte la réintégrer en France si élue. Permettez moi de sourire tonton.

C'est bien fiston !
C'est bien fiston !
Ca, c est de l argument... :bravo:
Le" fiston", vous vous le gardez tonton. Je sais que nous sommes Vendredi, journée du "troll", mais bon, évitons les familiarités. Merci.
La Justice est humaine. Si les humains étaient loyaux, honnêtes et justes, ça se saurait.
Y en a. Beaucoup je penses. Concernant la justice, elle est faite par des humains mais beaucoup de verdicts sont assez inhumains je trouve.
La peine de mort fait toujours debat a ce que je vois...
Je ne vois pas ou peut être l indécence a condamner a mort une personne reconnue coupable a 100 % d un crime.
Oui on a de la chance maintenant : il existe un magnifique téléfilm qui reprend la vie de Robert Badinter et ses combats contre la peine de mort.
C'est très pratique car ça évite à tout un chacun de se palucher la lecture de bouquins qui sembleraient a priori un peu rébarbatifs..
Un "sain" téléfilm à voir, pour grandir un peu l'âme. N'hésitez pas...
Oui on a de la chance maintenant : il existe un magnifique téléfilm qui reprend la vie de Robert Badinter et ses combats contre la peine de mort.
C'est très pratique car ça évite à tout un chacun de se palucher la lecture de bouquins qui sembleraient a priori un peu rébarbatifs..
Un "sain" téléfilm à voir, pour grandir un peu l'âme. N'hésitez pas...
Et ?
A priori, ils ont un peu de mal à tenir l'objectif...
Five years later [2010] director of the China Organ Donation Committee, Huang Jiefu, told medical journal The Lancet that more than 90 per cent of transplant organs were still sourced from executed prisoners.
"The (Communist Party) says the total number of legal transplants is about 10,000 per year. But we can easily surpass the official Chinese figure just by looking at the two or three biggest hospitals," Matas said in a statement.The report estimates that 60,000 to 100,000 organs are transplanted each year in Chinese hospitals.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said China has "strict laws and regulations on this issue."
"As for the testimony and the published report, I want to say that such stories about forced organ harvesting in China are imaginary and baseless - they don't have any factual foundation," she said at a press conference on Thursday.
Pendant ce temps là, la Chine essaie de faire illusion au Vatican.
An official in charge of overhauling China’s organ transplant programme has said the country may still be using organs from executed prisoners in some cases, even though there is technically zero tolerance for the practice.
The admission by Huang Jiefu, a former Chinese deputy health minister, came as human rights activists and medical ethics experts voiced Str0ng objections to his inclusion at a Vatican summit designed to tackle illicit organ trafficking.
The activists said that by giving Huang a platform, the Vatican risked giving China’s practices an air of legitimacy. Huang told reporters on Tuesday that the controversy was “ridiculous” and repeated assertions that the use of organs from prisoners is now “not allowed”.
“There is zero tolerance. However, China is a big country with a 1.3 billion population so I am sure, definitely, there is some violation of the law,” he told reporters at a conference in Rome.

Après le "responsable mais pas coupable", voici le "strictement interdit mais définitivement pratiqué"
Perte de face, une université chinoise se fait dépublier pour avoir utilisé des organes de prisonniers dans sa recherche.
A prestigious medical journal will retract a scientific paper from Chinese surgeons about liver transplantation after serious concerns were raised that the organs used in the study had come from executed prisoners of conscience.
The study was published last year in Liver International. It examined the outcomes of 564 liver transplantations performed consecutively at Zhejiang University’s First Affiliated hospital between April 2010 and October 2014.

According to the study authors, “all organs were procured from donors after cardiac death and no allografts [organs and tissue] obtained from executed prisoners were used”.

“In the USA, rates of liver transplant from DCD donors in the years 2012-14 were 32%, 28% and 27% respectively. If retrieval rates are similar in China, this would require 1,880 DCD donors, assuming a retrieval rate of 30%, to transplant the 564 livers reported in this paper.
“Given that there were only 2,326 reported voluntary donations in the whole of China during 2011–2014, it is implausible that this small pool could have resulted in 564 livers successfully retrieved … unless the surgeons there had exclusive access to at least 80% of all voluntary donors across the whole of China in this period.”
Perte de face, une université chinoise se fait dépublier pour avoir utilisé des organes de prisonniers dans sa recherche.
A prestigious medical journal will retract a scientific paper from Chinese surgeons about liver transplantation after serious concerns were raised that the organs used in the study had come from executed prisoners of conscience.
The study was published last year in Liver International. It examined the outcomes of 564 liver transplantations performed consecutively at Zhejiang University’s First Affiliated hospital between April 2010 and October 2014.

According to the study authors, “all organs were procured from donors after cardiac death and no allografts [organs and tissue] obtained from executed prisoners were used”.

“In the USA, rates of liver transplant from DCD donors in the years 2012-14 were 32%, 28% and 27% respectively. If retrieval rates are similar in China, this would require 1,880 DCD donors, assuming a retrieval rate of 30%, to transplant the 564 livers reported in this paper.
“Given that there were only 2,326 reported voluntary donations in the whole of China during 2011–2014, it is implausible that this small pool could have resulted in 564 livers successfully retrieved … unless the surgeons there had exclusive access to at least 80% of all voluntary donors across the whole of China in this period.”

En meme temps, a leur decharge, c'etait pas interdit sur la periode ou ils ont fait l'etude il me semble (l'article parle de 2010-2014)
PSX_20170221_091821.jpg S'ils appliquent vraiment la loi, il va bien falloir qu'ils trouvent les organes pour les riches.
Alors, je n'aimerais pas etre philippin...