Location Camionnette


Membre Silver
22 Oct 2007
Bonjour la compagnie !

Savez-vous ou on peut louer des petites camionnettes pour un demenagement ? qqs cartons, pas besoin de gros volume...
Coordonnees tel + adresse seraient bienvenues !!!
Merci a vous


PS : c'est urgent car le demenagement a lieu demain...,:help:
Salut Mega,
Sur Sh il existe Dazhong VW . Faudrait voir sur BJ s'ils proposent les memes services...

If it's just a move across town, the cheapest option is to hire a small taxi van, known in Chinese as a loaf of bread van (mianbao che) for its resemblance to the steamed bread on the street. Call Dazhong Taxi (the turquoise cab) to hire a mianbao che (6258 1688). Fares for these smaller vans start at RMB 20 and the driver will help you load and unload. Another division of Dazhong has larger trucks and mover teams available. Dazhong has a 24 hour call centre (5275 3667) and fees start from RMB 170. Another low cost moving team option is Gongxing Movers (6605 5185). These services are Chinese-language only so have a Chinese speaker make the call. While moving is cheap, keep an eye on the operation – Chinese movers are notorious for damaging or destroying things. Carry the important stuff yourself. All the firms listed in the table below handle both international and domestic moves.