Looking for language teacher

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion marcocb
  • Date de début Date de début
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young chinese man,native language is chinese,capable of teaching the french,one year experience of french teacher for chineses,normally a classe is composed of about 20 persons,glade to joint you
joscommerce@yahoo.cn its my mail
wait for your answer
Hi marco

I teach english as part time in a school and french as a freelancer

I'm a french citizen so french is my mother tongue

Please feel free to call me

Best regards


My contact details : youss570@hotmail.com or 152 21 94 80 24

Je suis étudiant chinois qui est actuellement en france. Je suis très intéressé par votre offre. Je serai rentré en chine le 11 Juillet. N'hésitez-pas à me contacter. Mon adresse: anouk-jean@hotmail.com
italian long experience teacher

Marco maybe is too late, considering you posted the offert last october..but would be really interest in it..i am living in shanghai and i had a long experience as teacher of italian language in italy..if you are still looking for teachers i am willing to consider a job offert. Please contact me at this adresse enrico.gardumi@virgilio.it
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