Mathieu utilises-tu des proxy basés sur HK/ singapore ? Si oui pourrais-t-on avoir quelque nom de bons services ?
Mathieu utilises-tu des proxy basés sur HK/ singapore ? Si oui pourrais-t-on avoir quelque nom de bons services ?
je presise que j'habite a Dalian ,et c'est assez loin des tremblements de terre ou des tiphons.....
mais pour ma part je partage l'avis de Mathieu , je crois pas trop a la theorie du complot pour ce pb mais j'ai pas de reponse sur la cause de tout ca pour autant.....
Taiwan quake disrupts mainland Internet Shanghai. December 27. INTERFAX-CHINA - A large earthquake near Taiwan last night has disrupted mainland China's Internet access to international Web sites, a China Netcom official told Interfax today.
"The earthquake in Taiwan affected the undersea optical cable, which disrupted the Internet connection to international Web sites. We are trying to restore the Internet connection by using some back-up networks and satellite communication," Zhou Yaqin, a public relations official at China Netcom, said.
Zhou said the company does not know when Internet access will return to normal.
Last night at 8:26 p.m. a 7.1 magnitude earthquake stuck off the southwestern coast of Taiwan, according to the U.S. Geogological Survey.