Novlangue aux caractéristiques chinoises

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Xiao Hai
  • Date de début Date de début
Aïe! Une de ces dissonances cognitives, mais d'une force!
An article by Yang Guangbin, a professor of politics at Renmin University, pointed out that the "military-industrial complex," which former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against, is "kidnapping U.S. domestic and diplomatic policy."
The "military-industrial complex" naturally demands war and military expansion, resulting in the Iraqwar, "Arab Spring" uprisings and growing tensions with Russiaand China, Yang said.

Bref, le complexe militaro-industriel comme les US, c'est mal.
Ou pas.
Xu [vice chairman of the Central Military Commission] said China needed to place greater focus on developing a military-industrial complex, much like the United States has done, to ensure a powerful armed forces commensurate with its place in the world.
Décidément, 2017 s'annonce être un très bon millésime.

La blague du jour:
Lien retiré
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying pointed to President Xi Jinping's appeal to avoid protectionism in a speech this week at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland.
"Who is sincerely pushing ahead with liberalization of trade and investment and who is exercising trade protectionism should be clear for all to see," Hua said at a news briefing.
Comme vous le savez tous, la Chine coupe dans sa surproduction d'acier et lutte "résolument" contre les entreprises-zombies.
Ou pas.

Il parait qu'ils coupent tellement qu'ils sont en avance sur leur objectif. Trop la classe.
Last year, it said it had far exceeded its initial target to cut capacity by 45 million metric tons (50 million U.S. tons), recording cuts of around 85 million metric tons (94 million U.S. tons).

C'est sans prendre en compte les caractéristiques chinoises, bien sûr.
But the report says that 73 percent of the announced cuts in capacity were already idle — in other words the plants were not operating. Only 23 million metric tons (25 million U.S. tons) of cut capacity involved shutting down production plants that were operating.
At the same time, some 54 million metric tons (59.5 million U.S. tons) of capacity were restarted, and 12 million metric tons (13 million U.S. tons) of new operating capacity came online.
That left China showing a net increase in operating capacity of 36.5 million metric tons (40 million U.S. tons) last year, a figure that is consistent with a 3 percent increase in steel production in the second half of last year.

Réduire la production en l'augmentant, c'est quand une performance dont seuls les chinois ont le secret.

En cadeau, un petit graphe reliant roduction d'acier et pollution.
En même temps, ni les vendeurs de brochettes ni les feux d'artifice sont pas pris en compte donc à regarder avec un oeil critique.