Offre Emploi Recherche Account Manager / Sales Executive

Christophe Castel

Nouveau Membre
23 Juil 2015
Cree en 2011 a Hong Kong, Exclusive Foods est un importateur / distributeur des produits agroalimentaires.

Dans le cadre de son deploiement sur Hong Kong, Macao et le Sud de la Chine, Exclusive Foods recherche un/une account manager et/ou sales executive.

Ci-joint vous trouverez un descriptif de l'offre.

Le profil ideal : un frenchie dynamique et autonome (qui se debrouille en mandarin serait un plus !!)
Vous pouvez me faire parvenir vos candiatures a :

Created in 2011 in Hong Kong, Exclusive Foods is an importer and distributor of food solutions for Food professionals. Exclusive Foods imports only food selected with care from Europe and especially from France.

In order to develop its operations in Hong Kong, Macao and South China, Exclusive Foods is looking for one Sales Executive based in Guangzhou / Shenzhen area (we are flexible).

Here attached is a more detailed description of the position.

We are looking for someone serious, dynamic and independent, with good level of English (and Mandarin would be great).
You can send me your CV at :

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