on devrait se servir de ce sujet pour signaler toutes les absurdités de Trump jour après jour 
ça c'est juste énorme
mon morceau préféré
ce type est président de la plus grande puissance militaire du monde... mouahaha

ça c'est juste énorme
mon morceau préféré
6. Trump’s Exchange with Kurdish Reporters
Trump: Excuse me, you said where, from where?
Reporter #1: [Inaudible] From Kurdistan region, Northern Iraq. I’m a Kurd.
Trump: Good. Good. Great people. Great people. Thank you. Are you a Kurd? Good. They’re great people. They're great fighters. I like them a lot. Let's go. I like this question so far.
Reporter #1: Mr. President, you always say you support your allies. Kurds right now, after the defeat of ISIS, are under a lot of pressure in Syria and and in Iraq by many adversaries. What will you do to elevate their position to support them after they helped the United States to defeat ISIS?
Trump: Well, we are helping them a lot. And we've been very friendly with them. And as you know, we fought side by side. And we have defeated ISIS, essentially, very short while ago in the Middle East. And we did it with a lot of help from the Kurds. And they are, they're great fighters. You know, some people are great fighters and some people aren't. The Kurds are great fighters and a great, great people. We're going to be—we're discussing that situation exactly right now.
Trump: Yes, please. Mr. Kurd.
Reporter #2: Thank you, very much for your time, Mr. President. Two quick questions. What will be the USA relations with the Kurds?
Trump: Oh, I thought I just answered that.
Reporter #2: Post-ISIS.
Trump: Okay. We're trying to get along very well. We do get along great with the Kurds. We're trying to help them a lot. Don't forget, that's their territory. We have to help them. I want to help them. Go ahead, what's next? They fought with us. They fought with us. They died with us. They died. We lost tens of thousands of Kurds, died, fighting ISIS. They died for us, and with us. And for themselves. They died for themselves. But they are great people. And we have not forget, we don't forget, I don’t forget.