Bonjour Maitre,UK ports to press government on freeports
UK ports can add value to the economy, the BPA says. But they also need government support for infrastructure and planning
Extrait : THE British Ports Association has called for an early meeting with new maritime minister Kelly Tolhurst to present its latest briefing paper on the future of UK ports.
The BPA’s 2020 New Government Briefing outlines how industry and government can work in partnership to deliver for ports and fuel a successful economy.
“As the new government takes shape, the briefing paper outlines the leading topical issues that the UK ports industry is currently facing,” the BPA said.
The briefing paper outlines the ports organisation’s requests to the government to utilise ports to “recharge” the UK economy.
These include the adoption of a freeports strategy, priority funding for infrastructure projects, streamlined planning and consent, and UK content rules for offshore wind development
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UK ports to press government on freeports - Lloyd's Loading List
UK ports can add value to the economy, the BPA says. But they also need government support for infrastructure and planningwww.lloydsloadinglist.comUK Government policy on freeports - House of Commons Library
This briefing looks at the background to the UK Government's freeports policy, including the 2021 Budget's announcement of freeport
Une chose est certaine le Royaume Uni fait ses preparatifs a une rupture des accords commerciaux avec l'Union Europeenne qui arrivent a echeance le 31 Decembre 2020 , quelque soit l'issue a cette echeance accord ou non , il jouent sur les 2 tableaux ! On sera deja fixe en Juillet c'est la date tampon pour une extension post 2020 ...
c'est quand meme bizarre pour des gens qui sont sensés être repliés sur eux-même avec une vision étriquée et non entreprenants (description des *exiteurs faite ici même sur Bonjourchine hier) que de faire des ports francs, vous ne trouvez pas?